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About Yoga



The word yoga is derived from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word yuj, which means to unite, unite, and unite.

From its etymology, it is thought to aim for a balanced state of mind and body, such as "making oneself and the universe one" and "harmonizing the mind, body and soul".

It is said that Yoga arose from the culture of the Indus Valley (Indus Valley Civilization) 4,500 years ago.

Around the 2nd to 4th centuries, Patanjali referred to his own yoga experience as the “Yoga Sutras.”

It contains eight ways to practice yoga. (The Eight Limbs of Yoga)

The Eight Limbs of Yoga are still read today as the basics of yoga for yogis.

Another fundamental text on yoga is the 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika' written by Svatma Rama in the 16th and 17th centuries.




Most physical styles of hatha yoga currently practiced in the West and Japan are

arised  from two origins.


1. Krishnamacharya(1889-1989)

He teaches yoga with a particular emphasis on the practice of asanas, and is the

Style originated from here. Krishnamacharya from 1924 until his death in 1989

He continued to teach yoga.

His students include Sri.K. Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga Yoga), BSK Iyengar (Iyengar Yoga), TKV Desikachar (Viniyoga), son of Krishnamacharya


2. Swami Sivananda(1887-1963)

Based in Rishikesh, he spread yoga to the West with his disciples.

His students include Swami Vishnudevananda (Sivananda Yoga International), Swami Chidananda (Bihar School of Yoga) and Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga).


The Eight Folded Path of Yoga


The ultimate connection is reached 
through concentration and meditation.

eight limbs of yoga

1. Yama・・・5 things you must not do

① Ahimsa Non-violence, non-giving pain

② Satya Truthfulness

③ Astiya Non-stealing

④ Brahmacharya Abstinence

⑤ Aparigraha, Non-greed


2. Niyama・5 Recommendations

① Shoucha Purification

② Santosha Contentment

③ Tapas Penance

④ Svadhyaya Study of spiritual texts

⑤ Ishwara Pranidhana Faith Surrender to a higher power


3. Asana・・・Posture


4. Pranayama・・・Breathing method Techniques


5. Pratyahara・・・Control of 5 senses


6. Dharana・・・Focused concentration


7. Dhyana・Meditation for peace of mind


8. Samadhi・・・Bliss or Enlightment

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